Worker participation in the prevention of musculoskeletal risks at work
Keywords:Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) negatively affect the health of millions of European workers and the productivity and costs of businesses across all sectors. Workers are key to addressing these vital concerns.
This report proposes methods to actively involve workers in preventing MSDs. It includes practical examples and case studies from workplaces where workers participated to successfully tackle MSDs. It also presents the factors and conditions that are necessary for effective worker participation.
The report offers organisations, including small businesses, and policy-makers advice and guidance on how to manage the risks and implement participatory MSD interventions.
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This article provides some basic guidance on how to carry out participatory ergonomics in the workplace, in particular for preventing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). It draws on a longer article on participatory ergonomics[1].
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Defining and characterizing workers’ participation
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