This PPT focuses on home-based telework and why it should be part of every employer’s risk assessment process. It also describes the main work-related MSD risk factors associated with telework and provides preventive measures to address them.
Ferramentas e orientações práticas relativas a LME
A fim de facilitar aos locais de trabalho a avaliação e a gestão dos riscos de lesões musculosqueléticas (LME), a nossa base de dados de fácil utilização inclui uma panóplia de ferramentas práticas e de materiais de orientação desenvolvidos a nível nacional e da UE.
Os recursos incluem estudos de casos e materiais visuais, abrangendo uma vasta gama de setores, tipos de perigo e medidas de prevenção. Alguns destinam-se especificamente a determinados intervenientes, por exemplo, empregadores, trabalhadores e gestores, enquanto outros incidem sobre a gestão de LME em grupos específicos de trabalhadores. Os recursos podem ser filtrados por uma destas categorias ou por várias outras, pelo que não poderia ser mais fácil encontrar exatamente o que procura.
Resources available (1434)
This case study outlines ErgoPar (Ergonomía participativa), a participatory ergonomics approach developed in Spain. The key feature of ErgoPar is that it should involve all company stakeholders, such as top and middle management, different groups of workers and safety experts in identifying work...
This case study highlights the steps involved in a participatory intervention to reduce occupational risks for boiler assemblers and how it was adopted into the company’s prevention culture.
The work of viticulture (grape producing) workers involves long hours of repetitive movements in awkward postures. This case study highlights how a participatory intervention reduced the risk of MSDs in the sect
This case study highlights how training a team of staff members in risk prevention helped a hotel in France independently analyse risks and implement solutions regarding workers’ health and safety.
Workers at manufacturing plants are often required to lift, carry and drag heavy loads. This involves repeatedly using the same body parts and puts workers at risk of MSDs. This case study looks at an intervention to improve equipment and working conditions at a large PVC manufacturing plant in...
This case study looks at the collaboration of the Carsat occupational health and prevention organisation with factory management and employees to improve existing safety and health measures for line operators at an agribusiness packaging factory in France. The participatory approach involved...