

This page presents a calendar of events related to occupational safety and health (OSH) in Europe and beyond. The list includes key OSH events organised by EU-OSHA, its stakeholders and its partners, as well as other relevant organisations.

Not everyone can attend our events, so here you will also find links to presentations and summaries of the main points of discussion from some events.

EU-OSHA Events Summaries

E-tools seminar 2023: OSH E-tools in the construction sector and other outdoor work

On 4/5 October 2023, EU-OSHA’s E-tools...

2023 EU Campaign Partnership Meeting

The Healthy Workplaces Campaign...


July 2024

Genova, Italy

G7 Technical Side Event on Healthy and active ageing through life-long prevention and innovation

In the context of the Italian G7 presidency a Technical Side Event on Health and active ageing through life-long prevention and innovation will take place in Genoa on 11th and 12th July. The topic of the event is related to the second priority identified for the G7 health track, Life-Long Prevention...

September 2024

Bucharest, Romania

IPA Regional Conference

The 2nd IPA Regional Conference is an informal event organised for the 7 IPA beneficiary representatives and has the aim to raise OSH awareness and share knowledge on the topic of Accidents at Work.

Dresden, Germany

Building a Resilient Future: Towards sustainable safety in a rapidly changing world

“ Working on Safety – WOS ” is an international network of decision makers, researchers and professionals responsible for the prevention of accidents and trauma at work. The network aims to bring prevention experts together from all over the world in order to facilitate a high level exchange of...

October 2024

Santiago de Chile, Chile

XXIV International ORP Congress: "At Work: One Life, One Planet - Digitalisation and Well-being: New Era for Prevention"

The XXIV International ORP Congress , titled 'Work and OSH in the age of artificial intelligence: a labyrinth of complexity', will delve into the theme of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its implications on boundaries and nature of work. Occupational health and safety is also being affected by the...

European Union, EU

European Week for Safety and Health at Work

Happening every year in October (calendar week 43), the European Week for Safety and Health at Work is a highlight of every Healthy Workplaces Campaign. With hundreds of awareness-raising events taking place across the EU and beyond. Organised by EU-OSHA and its partners, each European Week has the...