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Economic Incentives for Safe and Healthy Workplaces

The economic incentives expert group is an established Agency expert group which gives advice and input to the related Agency products and helps to promote the products among stakeholders. The aim is to stimulate discussions in Member States about economic incentives in OSH which are regarded as an effective tool to achieve less accidents and better working conditions. After two previous meetings in 2007 and 2009, a third workshop of the expert group was organised on the 16 November in Bilbao, in the framework of the network day of the EU-OSHA Closing Event of the Risk Assessment Campaign. The workshop was organised jointly with the ECOSH project, an EU funded research project on the economic dimension of OSH.

Event Details


European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, (EU-OSHA) - Gran Vía, 33 - Bilbao

Start date
End date

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